God Calling – February Spiritual Care Blog

As a child growing up in a suburb of Chicago, I would run to my friend’s house and call out her name while waiting at the door for her to come out and play. When I was a teenager, I would use the phone to call my friends. Today, I use my cell phone and email.

God calls us to many places – a particular family, a certain church, a place of education and a position of work. God calls us to learn how to love and give and respect others.

In Genesis 12, God called Abraham to leave his country and family so God could make a great nation of him. In Exodus 3, Moses is called by God from the burning bush to lead God’s people out of Egypt. In Luke 1, Mary is called by God to bear the Son of Man and in the New Testament, Jesus is called by God to give his life for our sins that we might have eternal life.

Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California, writes that we have 5 purposes in our calling:

  1. To center our lives around God.
  2. To have fellowship with his family.
  3. To study God’s Word.
  4. To give back to ministry.
  5. To tell others about God’s love.

In Romans 1:1 Paul writes this about his calling “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, and set apart for the Gospel of God.”

When you reflect on your life, where has God called you to in the past, what has he called you to in the present and how might he be calling you into the future. It is a beautiful thing, God’s calling on your life.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he had planned for us long ago”.

As you journey through 2025, I pray you will hear God’s calling on your life, you will study God’s Word and you will tell others about God’s love.

May your journey be beautiful!!

Chaplain Val

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